This script should provide a fairly useful start to customizing your own version. I am going to assume that it is fairly self-explanatory but you can always post a response if you do not agree or have a question.
' This script creates one or more ODBC Data Sources.
' Usage: >cscript crystal.odbc.test.vbs
' Notes:
' * Search for 'configure-here' for all customization options
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strPrefix = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"
strComputer = "."
strSuffix = "\root\default:StdRegProv"
strObjRef = strPrefix & strComputer & strSuffix ': wscript.echo strObjRef
Set objReg = GetObject(strObjRef) 'The Set keyword is mandatory
DriverNames = Array("SQL Server", "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver") 'Generally, do not modify these
Drivers = Array("C:\WINDOWS\System32\SQLSRV32.dll", "C:\WINDOWS\system32\myodbc3.dll") 'Generally, do not modify these
' Configuration Section
Const Chosen = 1 'configure-here: Zero-based index into the following two arrays; i.e. which DB are you using
Const Server = "xxxwebtest" 'configure-here: the machine where the DB is hosted
Const Port = "3307" 'configure-here: the port where the DB is hosted
Const Uid = "root" 'configure-here: the username to the DB
Const Pwd = "admin" 'configure-here: the password to the DB
ConnectionList = Array("dbone", "dbtwo", "etcetera") 'configure-here: see Note 1 below
REM *** Note 1 *** This is the array of ODBC Names which you will be creating;
REM also is the name of the database which the odbc connects to
'=== End : Configuration Section ================================
for each connection in ConnectionList
wscript.echo "*** Start *** Creating ODBC Data Source: " & connection
' *** Step 1 *** Create new Data Source Entry in system folder ...\ODBC Data Sources
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources"
strValueName = connection
strValue = DriverNames(Chosen)
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2 *** Create Data Source configuration in new user-defined folder {connection}
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\" & connection
objReg.CreateKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath
' *** Step 2a *** Database
strValueName = "DATABASE"
strValue = connection
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2b *** Driver
strValueName = "DRIVER"
strValue = Drivers(Chosen)
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2c *** Server
strValueName = "SERVER"
strValue = Server
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2d *** Port
strValueName = "PORT"
strValue = Port
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2e *** UID
strValueName = "UID"
strValue = Uid
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2f *** PWD
strValueName = "PWD"
strValue = Pwd
call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2g *** Trusted_Connection : SQL Server only?
strValueName = "Trusted_Connection"
strValue = "Yes"
' call WriteToRegistry
' *** Step 2h *** Description
strValueName = "DESCRIPTION"
strValue = "EditMeThroughRegEdit"
call WriteToRegistry
wscript.echo "*** Finished *** Creating ODBC Data Source.\n"
next 'connection
'===== End of Script =====
' Subroutines and Functions
Sub WriteToRegistry
Const debugDesired = false
If debugDesired Then
wscript.echo "Simulating name/value to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" & strKeyPath & ": " & strValueName & "/" & strValue
wscript.echo "Modifying name/value to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\" & strKeyPath & ": " & strValueName & "/" & strValue
objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
End If
End Sub
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